We drive digital innovation

to give our customers a holistic but focused understanding of buildings to create the best future we can imagine.

about bimspot vision

Smarter spaces that provide
the best and individual
environmental experiences

Christoph Degendorfer CEO bimspot

How it all began

As a passionate architect, I love bringing visions to reality. Working in several offices for over 15 years, I have always been keen to create something new by applying new technologies to projects.

As BIM appeared in the industry, it was a chance for me to combine my digital mindset with the ambition to design the building of the future. After co-founding and running a BIM consulting office for several years, it became very obvious to me what was missing in the daily work with BIM projects to unleash the full potential of this method. bimspot was founded with the aim of filling this gap.

Ambitious as this goal may be, a continuously growing team with different backgrounds and an alliance with strong partners ensure that the idea becomes a reality.


Do you want to work with us?
We're looking for great talents
to join our growing team!

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